I believe this is the same procedure as the C6. But I thought I’d do a write up to make us Z06 owners feel special

This is a very easy do-it-yourself project... it took me less than an hour.
DIY - Diff Fluid Change is HERE
*** Standard disclaimers apply. I assume no responsibility for any damage. Please be careful - the consequences of a mistake or improper install could be disastrous ***
Pics below are from a 2007 Z06, and a 2007 Service Manual was used.
* Small 3/8” Wrench or Large Wrench with a 3/8” Extension
* Oil Drain
* Suitable Pump / Transfer Tube (I got the pictured Pennzoil Pump from my local Kragen)
* 4 Quarts Trans Fluid (p/n 88861800 for GM fluid)
* Drain Plug Sealant (p/n 12346004). Note: I've never used this stuff. The red stuff applied at the factory seems to keep the plug sealed for years and many, many fluid changes -- experience from my C5Z06. But it is listed in the Service Manual.
Step 1) Raise Car
Car must be level once raised to get an accurate fluid level reading.
Step 2) Locate Trans Fill and Drain Plugs
Fill Plug is on Driver's side of Trans; Drain Plug is on Passenger's side.
Note the number of exposed threads on each.
Step 3) Optional: Remove Electrical Connector from Trans Temp Sensor
This gets the wire out of the way of the fill plug.
Unclip it using your finger, and pull out.
Step 4) Open Fill Plug
I’m a big believer in opening the fill plug, before dumping the fluid out

Place Oil Drain under Fill Plug
Insert the end of the 3/8” Wrench or 3/8” Extension into the Fill Plug (no socket is required) and open.
A little fluid may dribble out.
Wrench inserted into Fill Plug (behind Trans Temp Sensor):
Step 5) Open Drain Plug
Place Oil Drain under Drain Plug
Insert the end of the 3/8” Wrench or 3/8” Extension into the Drain Plug (no socket is required) and open.
Step 6) Close Drain Plug
Once fluid is drained, close the Drain Plug
Torque to 20 lb-ft (27 N*M) or tighten until the original # of threads are exposed (step 2)
Step 7) Fill Trans with Fluid
Insert Pump / Transfer Tube into fill port and add fluid until it starts to dribble out, and then stops dribbling.
Mine took ~3.5 quarts.
* From Service Manual: Fill the transmission with manual transmission fluid, until even with the bottom of the fill plug hole. *
Pump in place:
Overflow draining out:
Step 8) Close Fill Plug
Torque to 20 lb-ft (27 N*M) or tighten until the original # of threads are exposed (step 2)
Step 9) Reinsert Electrical Connector into Trans Temp Sensor
Step 10) Lower Car and go for a Test Drive
That’s it… enjoy your new Transmission fluid!